OK, So How Does This Work?

We provide three types of social media marketing services. To work with us, you must sign up for one of these services through our website

Starter Kit

  • Account creation (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Account management: comments and messages
  • Standardise social media identity
  • Optimise any existing social media accounts
  • Tracking and reporting setup (Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Tag Manager)
  • 8 social media posts per month included
  • Minimum three month contract 


(£478.80 inc. VAT)

Content Production

  • 2 x 60-minute strategy sessions to lay out your objectives
  • Original image & video content produced specifically for your brand
  • 30 posts per month on up to 4 social media accounts
  • Reporting dashboard summarising growth of website traffic and sales
  • Monthly check-in calls to discuss results


(£838.80 inc. VAT)

Ad Management

  • Facebook ad account creation and setup
  • Custom copy and adverts for every step of your sales process
  • Campaign structure including audience targeting
  • Regular optimisation and updates to campaigns to ensure lowest cost results
  • Reporting dashboard + monthly check-in
  • Minimum £250 monthly ad spend
  • Minimum 6 month contract


(£1198.80 inc. VAT)


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